구매, 사용, 처분단계에서 소비자의 환경보전행동 결정요인 분석

The determinants of consumers' pro-environmental behavior in the stage of purchase, usage, and disposal

  • 허경옥 (성신여자대학교 가족문화소비자학과)
  • Huh, Kyung-Ok (Dept. of Family Culture and Consumer Science, Sungshin Women's University)
  • 발행 : 2005.02.28


With an analysis of recent, nationwide data, this study figured out the level of consumers' pro-environmental behavior and investigated tile behavioral determinants in the hight of purchase, use, and disposal of pro-environmental goods. The major results are as below: Married consumers or consumers in their 40s were more likely to purchase pro-environmental goods. Consumers with high income-for example, over 3 million won per month-were less likely to purchase such goods. Married women or 40s/50s consumers tended not to buy used goods. Males than females, non-married than married, employed than unemployed had a higher pro-environmental behavior in the use stage. Furthermore, in the disposal stage, male than female, married than non-married, young than old, and consumers with low income than high income showed more active pro-environmental behavior. The purchasing behavior of pro-environmental goods was supported by both perspectives of rational behavior and social behavior. On tile other hand, the purchasing behavior of used goods was supported only by rational behavior perspective. It is also revealed that personal value perspective, along with the above two, influences the pro-environmental behavior in the stage of use and disposal. Overall, a high level of pro-environmental behavior was detected in such consumers as rational, public rule-abiding in favor of environmental policy, and also in consumers with strong family values or those with less materialistic value.
