간호행정학회지 (Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration)
- 제11권1호
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- Pages.33-44
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- 2005
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
자원기준 상대가치를 이용한 혈액투석실 간호원가 산정;중증 대상자를 중심으로
Estimation of Nursing Cost for Hemodialysis Using RBRVS(Resource Based Relative Value Scale);Severe Hemodialysis Patients
Kim, Moon-Sil
(College of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans University) ;
Han, Su-Jung
(Department of Nursing, Konyang University) ;
- Kim, Jung-A (Department of Nursing, Hanyang University) ;
- Kim, Ji-Hyun (College of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans University)
- 발행 : 2005.03.30
Purpose: This study was aimed to estimate nursing cost for hemodialysis of tertiary hospitals using Resource Based Relative Value Scale(RVRBS). Method: First, we calculated nursing workload of the each hemodialysis-nursing behaviors compared with basic nursing behavior(check vital sign) for the most severe hemodialysis patients in general hospitals. Second, we measured each spent time according to each nursing behaviors. Third, we computed Resource Based Relative Value(RBRV) scores and nursing expenses of each 14 nursing behavior for hemodialysis. Finally, we estimated nursing cost of each hemodialysis-behavior for the most severe hemodialysis-patients in general hospitals. Result: The mean RBRV scores for each nursing behaviors were from 218.9 to 383.9 points. The highest RBRV socres were 383.9(Complication during hemodialysis). The Nursing behavior that spent the most time was "access the vascular( 31.7 minutes)". Nursing cost per hemodialysis for the patient with severe condition was estimated 63,455(won). Conclusion: Total average workload was 347.6 points and total spent time was 306.5 minutes for 14 hemodialysis nursing behaviors provided to severe patients. There were clear differences in nursing workload and cost according to patient's severity-mild, moderate and severe class.