간호행정학회지 (Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration)
- 제11권3호
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- Pages.303-314
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- 2005
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
4년제 간호대학(과) 간호관리학 실습교육의 현황과 발전방향
A Study on the Education of Nursing Management Practice in College of Nursing
- Lee, Hyang-Yeon (College of Nursing Science, Kyun Hee University) ;
- Kang, Kung-Ah (Nursing Department, Sahm Yook University) ;
Park, Sung-Ae
(College of Nursing, Seoul National University)
- 발행 : 2005.09.30
Purpose: To describe the status on the education of the nursing management practice in college of nursing in Korea. Method: A descriptive survey research design was used. The participants were 47 of the college of nursing across the nation. The data were collected by mail from 15th August to 10th November, 2005. Result: The results are as follows : 1. In content analysis of teaching goals Nursing Management Process(n=66), management of environment, material and safety(n=16), Implication of Nursing Management Theory(n=16) were identified. 2. In 39 college of nursing, The education on Nursing Management Practice conducts 1