Effect of 2-Methylaminoethyl-4,4'-Dimethoxy-5, 6, 5' ,6'-Dimethyl­enedioxybiphenyl-2-Carboxylic Acid-2'-Carboxylate Monohydro­chloride (DDB-S) on Indocyanine Green (ICG) Clearance in Rats

  • 발행 : 2005.01.01


The clearance of ICG, a known hepatic blood flow marker was investigated in rats in order to examine whether DDB-S influences hepatic blood flow. The effect of DDB-S on the protein binding and blood-to-plasma partition of ICG was measured. The steady-state plasma concentration of ICG was monitored before and after co-administration of various concentration of DDB-S, and ICG clearance was estimated from the steady-state concentration and the infusion rate of ICG. There was no significant difference in protein binding and blood-to-plasma partition of ICG with and without addition of DDB-S (10, 20, and 40 ${\mu}g/mL)$. When ICG was infused into DDB-S pretreated rats, the steady-state concentrations of ICG decreased and the calculated ICG clearance increased. However, no dose-dependency of ICG Css on DDB-S Css was observed. Since DDB-S did not affect the protein binding and blood-to-plasma partition of ICG, the increased clearance of ICG with co-administration of DDB-S seems to be due to the increased hepatic blood flow by DDB-S.



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