A New Antipsychotic Effective Neolignan from Firmiana simplex

  • Son Yeon Kyoung (Natural Products Research Institute Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee Ming Hong (Natural Products Research Institute Seoul National University) ;
  • Han Yong Nam (Natural Products Research Institute, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.01.01


A new neolignan, named simplidin was isolated from the n-butanol extract of stem of Firmiana simplex, together with six known compounds, scopoletin (1), syrigaresinol (2), aquillochin (3), nitidanin (4), tamarixetin 3-rhamnoside (6), and quercitrin (7). On the basis of spectral and chemical evidence, simplidin (5) was determined to be rel-(7R, 8R)-4, 5, 9, 9'-tetrahydroxy-3,3'­dimethoxy-7-O-5', 8-O-4'-neolignan. All the six compounds were also isolated for the first time from this plant.



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