Resolution of Molecular Species of the Triacylglycerol Containing Petroselinic Acid $(cis-C_{18:1{\omega}12)$ by Silver Ion-HPLC

  • Joh, Yong-Goe (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dong-A University) ;
  • Kim, Seong-Jin (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dong-A University)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.31


On the analysis of triacylglycerol (TG) from the kernels of Acanthopanax sessiliflorus by reversed phase-HPLC, it was separated into three main fractions of PN 44, 46 and 48, according to partition number (PN). On the contrary, it could be clearly classified into seven fractions of SMM, MMM, SMD, MMD, SDD, MDD and MDT by silver ion-HPLC by the number of double bond in the acyl chains of TG species. But resolution of so-called critical pairs of TG molecular species such as molecular pairs of $P_eLL$ $[C_{18:1{\omega}12}/(C_{18:2{\omega}6)2}]$ and OLL $[C_{18:1{\omega}9}/(C_{18:2{\omega}6)2}]$ and OOL $[(C_{18:1{\omega}9)2}/C_{18:2{\omega}6]$, and $P_eP_eL$ $[(C_{18:2{\omega}12)2}/C_{18:1{\omega}6]$ was not achieved $(P_e;$ petroselinic acid, L; linoleic acid, O; oleic acid). On the other hand, TG extracted from Aralia continentalis kernels were also fractionated into seven groups of SSM, SMM, MMM, SMD, MMD, SDD and MDD (S; saturated acid, M; monoenoic acid, D; dienoic acid) by silver ion-HPLC, although it's were classified into three groups of PN 44, 46 and 48 by reversed phase-HPLC. The fractions of SMM, MMM, MMD and MDD were divided into two subfractions, respectively; the fractions of SMM, MMM, MMD and MDD were resolved into the subfraction of $PP_e/P_e$ and POO (critical pairs from each other), that of $P_e/P_e/P_e$ and OOO, that of $P_e/P_e/L$ and OOL, and that of $P_e/L/L$ and OLL.



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