Development of Durable Reliability Assessment Methods for Heavy Duty Coatings

  • Kim, Seung-Jin (Reliability Assessment Center, Korea Institute of Construction Materials) ;
  • Jung, Ho (Reliability Assessment Center, Korea Institute of Construction Materials) ;
  • Yang, In-Mo (Reliability Assessment Center, Korea Institute of Construction Materials) ;
  • Tanaka, Takeyuki (Reliability Assessment Center, Korea Institute of Construction Materials)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


Heavy duty coating are required to have minimum durable period of 15 years under average usage environment because these paints are coated with purpose of anti-corrosion, antifouling, plastering etc. Onto steel structures constructed upon land and sea and other ferrous structures of electric power generation plants, electricity transmission towers, large structures of various plants, etc. Therefore we tried to estimate heavy duty coating longevity through reliability evaluation method and used combined cyclic anti-conrrosion test method composed of drying, moisturizing and salt spray as for accelerated life test to estimate longevity. Accelerated life test hours to heavy duty coating of first grade (with longevity not less than 15 years) specification may be obtained from troubleless test hours $t_n=\frac{B_p}{n^{1/\beta}}\left[\frac{1n(1-CL)}{1n(1-p)} \right]^{1/\beta}=19.671$ (yr) where shape parameter $\beta=1.1$, confidence level CL=80 %, warranty life $B_{10}=15$ yr and sampling size n=10 (2 sets). Because acceleration factor {AF} found by accelerated test is 41.7, accelerated life test hours required may be represented about 4,132 hr so that if this amount of hours is converted to number of cycles(6 hr/cycle) of complex cycle corrosion resistance test then the amount is tantamount about 690 cycles. That means if there does not occur trouble failure (with defect factor sum not more than 20) during when there is performed 690 cycles of combined cyclic anti-corrosion test to heavy duty coating specimen then it signifies that there can be warranted longevity $B_{10}$ of 15 yr under condition of confidence level CL=80 %.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : JPIA and Duga Weathering Technology Foundation


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