A Study on the Sanitary Management of School Foodservice Operations in Daejeon and Chungnam

대전$\cdot$충남지역 학교급식의 위생관리 실태조사

  • 박상현 (대전대학교 이과대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 임영희 (대전대학교 이과대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2005.04.01


This study was conducted to evaluate the sanitary management status of school foodservice in Deajeon and Chungnam and to suggest basic data for sanitary improvement. A questionnaire was used in this study as a survey method. The subjects consist of 529 dietitians that are employed in the school ($primary{\cdot}middle{\cdot}high\;school$) foodservice. These results may be summarized as follows : $71.0\%$ of surveyed school foodservices managed separately place for contamination and uncontamination. $91.5\%$ didn't maintain adequate temperature at kitchen. A holding rate of hygiene utensils is lower in Chungnam than Daejeon. The dietitian group aged 30-34 showed significantly higher scores than other groups in personal hygiene of employees. The dietitian group graduated from a college showed significantly lower scores than other groups in purchasing & receiving, preparation, storage, food remains & waste, kitchen utensils and equipments and personal hygiene. It was significant to sowing, personal hygiene and facilities & structure by Daejeon and Chung-nam. In serving, Daejeon showed significantly lower scores than Chungnam. In personal hygiene, facilities and structure, Chungnam showed significantly lower scores than Daejeon. The foodservice group (started < 1990) showed significantly lower scores than other groups ($started{\ge}1990$) in preparation.



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