고 3 수험생 어머니의 입시준비 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구

A Phenomenological Study on the Mothers' Experiences with Children Preparing a College Entrance Examination

  • Yang Sung-Eun (Division of Public Administration and Social Welfare, Chosun University)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


The study reported a phenomenological analysis of the interviews with 19 mothers who had a child preparing a college entrance examination. The research question was what mothers experienced in supporting their child in his/her study for the examination. Results indicated that 'the senior year in a highschool' was described as the most stressful period affecting all the family members. Mothers' experiences were portrayed from three perspectives: mothers, as family members, experiencing the attachment to her child but conflicts with her husband; mothers, as individuals, adjusting by trying to setting realistic academic goals for her child while supporting him/her physically, emotionally, and spiritually; and mothers, as critics to extrafamily systems, blaming the inconsistency of educational policies. 1bis study was conducted with a holistic view, and highlighted the importance of interactions between traditional ideology about the mother roles and socioeconomic contexts when interpreting mothers' supporting their child in study for a college entrance examination.



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