Vegetation Assessment of the Street Tree Sites in the Daegu Metropolis

대구광역시 가로수 하단부 식생의 평가

  • Published : 2005.04.01


In order to search for ecologically indicative characteristics on the street tree plots in Daegu area, plant communities and their floras were investigated. A total of 105 plots were collected and numerically analyzed by PCoA(Principal Coordinates Analysis). These plots were classified into 4 types containing 139 species, 97 genera, 42 families(including 37 exotic species): urban-dry type, urban-wet type, rural-dry type, rural-wet type. Habitat connectivity to the surrounding vegetation cover, extent and frequency of human impacts, and soil moisture recognizably were the main factors to allow the plots differentiation. Indicative species composition to these four types was generated as Eleusine indica-Eragrostis multicaulis-Oxalis corniculata to the urban-wet, Digitaria ciliaris-Eleusine indica-Eragrostis multicaulis to the urban-dry, Setaria viri-dis-Artemisia-Lactuca indica var. laciniata to the rural-wet, and Setaria viridis-Digitaria ciliaris-Erigeron canadensis to the rural-dry, respectively. Mean species number per plot for rural type was 2.5 times higher than for urban types. Street tree species representative to the rural-wet type is Zelkova serrata, which is a key species of potential natural vegetation in the alluvial land of Daegu area. Street tree plots were characterized by Eleusine indica showing the highest r-NCD value and also C4-assimilation grass plants. Views on the efficacy of the rural-wet type and the reinforcement of vegetation connectivity and soil moisture in rehabilitating street tree plots, are discussed.



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