돼지 난모세포의 단위발생에 있어서 성숙시간과 활성화 처리가 활성화와 발달에 미치는 영향

Effects of Maturation Duration and Activation Treatments on Activation and Development of Porcine Follicular Oocytes

  • Kim H. J. (National Livestock Research Institute) ;
  • Choi S. H. (National Livestock Research Institute) ;
  • Han M. H. (National Livestock Research Institute) ;
  • Son D. S. (National Livestock Research Institute) ;
  • Ryu I. S. (National Livestock Research Institute) ;
  • Kim I. C. (National Livestock Research Institute) ;
  • Lee J. H. (National Livestock Research Institute) ;
  • Kim I. H. (Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Im K. S. (Seoul National University) ;
  • Cho S. R. (National Livestock Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


본 연구는 가축유전자원의 효율적 보존방법의 개발을 위해 수행되는 체외 정자 세포 생산 연구의 일부로, 생산된 정자 세포의 발생능을 검사하기 위한 체외배양 시스템을 확립 할 목적으로 수행되었다. 성숙 배양시간을 48시간으로 하여 $7\%$ ethanol로 활성화처리한 후 TCM199에 $10\%$의 소 태아 혈청으로 배양하였을 때 배반포까지 발달하지 못하였으나, NCSU23에 $0.4\%$ 소 혈청 알부민으로 배양하였을 때 $3\%$의 활성화된 난모세포가 배반포기까지 발달하였다. 성숙시간을 연장하여 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 그리고 72시간까지 성숙배양을 실시한 후 $7\%$ 에탄올로 활성화 처리하여 $NCSU23+0.4\%$ BSA로 배양하였을 때 56시간부터 68시간까지 배발달율이 증가하였으나 72시간 성숙배양할 때 배발달율이 다시 저하하여 활성화와 세포질 퇴행간의 윈도우가 56시간부터 68시간 사이인 것으로 추정되었다. 전기자극의 강도를 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 그리고 2.0kV/cm로 난모세포를 활성화 처리하였을때 1회 통전으로는 적절한 활성화가 일어나지 않았으며 1.6kV/cm, $80{\mu}s$, 2회 통전이 본 실험조건에서 가장 높은 배발달율을 보였다. 난모세포를 인위적으로 활성화하는데 주로 이용되는 $7\%$ 에탄올법, 전기자극법, 그리고 calcium ionophore법을 직접적으로 비교하였을 때 $7\%$ 에탄올법이 $15.7\%$, 전기 자극법이 $9.5\%$, calcium ionophore법이 $5.8\%$의 배반포 발달율을 보여, 본 실험조건에서는 $7\%$ 에탄올법이 배 발달을 활성화시키는데 가장 효율적인 것으로 나타났다.

This study is a part of research that development of effective genetic resources preservation system using the in vitro spermatogenesis, in vitro insemination and culture system. We aimed for establishment of in vitro culture system with in vitro activated porcine oocytes. The porcine oocytes were matured for 48 hours in $TCM199+10\%$ FCS and activated with $7\%$ ethanol. The activated oocytes were cultured for 7 days in $TCM199+10\%$ FCS or $NCSU23+0.4\%$ BSA medium. The activated oocytes were not developed to the blastocyst stage in $TCM199+10\%$ FCS medium. However in $NCSU23+0.4\%$ medium, those were developed to blastocyst with $3\%$ of treated oocytes. We extended maturation duration of porcine follicular oocytes fur 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, and 72 hours and activated with $7\%$ ethanol and cultured using $NCSU23+0.4\%$ BSA medium. The six percents of activated oocytes were developed to blastocyst in 48 hours and $10\%$ in 52 hours with comparatively low rates suggested to be not fully activated by regenerated MPF. Maturation durations from 56 hours to 68 hours supported to develop upto $11.9\~18.3\%$ of blastocysts. However the developmental rate was declined to $7.2\%$ at 72 hours of maturation duration because of cytoplasmic deterioration. The assumed time window for activation will be $56\~68$ hours of maturation duration. When the matured oocytes were activated with electric pulse of 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0kV/cm for $80{\mu}s$, although appling the electric current once was not enough for activation, appling twice with 1.6kV/cm for $80{\mu}s$ was shown the highest developmental rate with $11.3\%$. When those were compared with activating methods, $15.7%$ of blastocyst rate was obtained in the $7\%$ ethanol. That was higher than those in electric pulse with $9.5\%$ and calcium ionophore method with $5.8\%$. In this experimental condition, the $7\%$ ethanol treatment was the most effective method for activating porcine oocytes.



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