$\lceil실내설계\rfloor$ 관련과목 WBI 교수$\cdot$ 학습 프로그램 개발

A Development of $Teaching{\cdot}Learning$ Program Based on Interior Design WBI

  • 가종순 (동부산대학 실내건축디자인과)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


The purpose of this study is a development of $teaching{\cdot}learning$ program based on interior design WBI. WBI's meaning is Web Based Instruction. There can be several procedures that should be designed at the first step: Analyzing, Designing, Building, Testing, Recycling. These stages are constructed based on the theory of procedure about the computer and the $teaching{\cdot}learning$. Each stage is presented the contents of development, the contents of main, the method advantages and problem solving. These procedures and contents of development are the research method simultaneously with the result. Upon the completion of the system, it should undergo the same process continuously so that it can improve over a period of time, contribute to the interior design of students. In addition continuously repetitive requirements pop up in the phase. And it is necessary for this program try to map out a strategy developing and a policy support from university. It's very important that develop the contents of interior design from professor, students and field professor.



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