A Study on the Space size of the Kindergarten

유치원의 공간규모계획에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2005.04.01


Kindergarten is the first educational experience of toddlers, where they experience living in a group environment. Carefully designed, it is intended to provide an environment for nurturing the systematic growth and development of youngsters. Through effective stimulation, young children display their abilities as they independently learn in the controlled setting of Kindergarten. This study advocates the support of educational activities through the use of systematic and scientific architectural design in order to achieve the challenging goals and results desired of Kindergarten education. Upon determining the current state of Kindergarten architectural design, I have sought to apply innovative architectural concepts which can be used to design desirable learning environment for Kindergarten aged children. In calculation of area, the average gross building area is minimum $2.3m^{2}/p$ and optimum $2.5m^{2}/p$. The area of classroom is optimum $6.8m^{2}/p$.



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