LSP Congestion Control methods in ATM based MPLS on BcN

  • Published : 2005.04.01


ATM based MPLS(Multiprotocol Label Switching) is discussed for its provisioning QOS commitment capabilities, Traffic engineering and smooth migration for BcN in Korea. At this time, due to the comprehensive nature of ATM protocol, ATM has been adapted as the backbone system for carrying Internet traffic[1,2,3,4]. This paper presents preventive congestion control mechanisms for detecting HTR(Hard-To-Reach) LSP(Label Switched Path) in ATM based MPLS systems. In particular, we have introduced a HTR LSP detection method using network signaling information in an ATM layer. MPLS related studies can cover LSP failures in a physical layer fault, it can not impact network congestion status. Here we will present the research results for introducing HTR LSP detection methods and control mechanisms and this mechanism can be implementing as SOC for high speed processing a packet header. We concluded that it showed faster congestion avoidance abilities with a more reduced system load and maximized the efficiency of network resources by restricting ineffective machine attempts.



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