In this research, we have compared and analyzed the value driven from theoretical equation of Boussinesque, Westergaard, Newmark and K$\"{o}$ogler with our experimental value from the model test on the underground stress distribution condition. As a result of conducting the Model Test, a change in the underground stress according to the loading was proven to be very similar to the tendency shown in the theories of Westergaard. A tendency of increasing in a straight line was shown in the underground stress according to the increase of loading. When compared to that of the theoretical equation, underground stress values were great until the depth of 15cm. However, after that depth, a tendency of showing smaller value than that of the theoretical equation was shown. Correlations between Moving Repeated Load (or) and Underground Stress ($\Delta\sigma$) show $\Delta\sigma\;=\; 0.009\cdot{\sigma}r-0.1$(depth 60 cm).
본 연구는 모형실험을 통하여 지중응력 분포상태를 기존의 Boussinesque, Westergaard, K$\"{o}$ogler, Newmark의 이론식값과 Model Test에 의한 실험값을 비교 검토하였다. 본 모형실험 결과 깊이별 재하하중에 의한 지중응력의 변화는 Westergaard이론과 가장 유사하게 나타났으며, 패하하중의 증가에 따라 지중응력은 거의 직선적으로 증가하는 경향을 보였고, 이론식과 비교하면 깊이 15cm 까지는 크게 나타났으나 그 이하의 깊이에서는 이론식 보다 작아지는 경향이 나타났다. 재하하중(${\sigma}r$)과 지중응력$\Delta\sigma$)의 상관관계식은 $\Delta\sigma\;=\; 0.009\cdot{\sigma}r-0.1$(깊이 60cm)로 나타났다.