철근콘크리트 및 강섬유 철근콘크리트보의 에너지감쇄

Damping of RC and SFRC Beams

  • 강보순 (경주대학교 건설환경공학부)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


In this paper, damping behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete(SFRC) beams by experimental and numerical method is discussed. Because of its improved ability to dissipate energy, SFRC has a better damping behavior than that of reinforced concrete(RC). Damping behavior is influenced by longitudinal reinforcement ratio, volume md type of steel fiber, strength of concrete and the stress level. Damping in the SFRC beams has been evaluated from dynamic experimental test data at various levels of cracked states in the beams. A FEM program(TICAL) has been developed based on the relationships between curvature and damping. It is observed far SFRC beams with 0.44$\%$ of tensile reinforcement steel that approximate 5$\%$ to 35$\%$ was relatively increased in the damping ratio generally depending on the load level.



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