농촌청소년의 직업의사결정 분석

A Study on Vocational Decision Making of Rural Youth

  • 발행 : 2005.12.31


The purposes of this study were to explore the differences of decision making in farming settlement and to analyze attributes for vocational decision making of rural youth. The study was carried out by literature review and questionnaire. To analyze vocational decision making of rural youth, the data were collected from 196 rural youth by stratified random sampling. The SPSSWIN/ver10 was used for analyzing data with frequency, percentage, t-test ANOVA and factor analysis. The major findings of this study were as follows; 1) Rural youth decided to become farmers at the middle and high school stage for farming succession and eco-friendly life orientation. 2) Youth parents were the major source of influence on their rural youth to settle in farming. 3) Rural youth with high economic status, upper academic achievement and university graduation showed higher autonomous decision making and lower heteronomous decision making. 4) Rural youth with low economic status and low academic achievement showed unstable vocational decision making. 5) The study suggested that rural youth with unstable decision making should get more educational opportunities and supports.
