연대별 아파트 단지 옥외공간의 변화와 주민인식비교 - 대전광역시 아파트 단지를 대상으로 -

Chronological Studies on Residents' Appreciation of Outdoor Space in Apartment Complexes and It's Changes - Case Study of Apartment Complexes in the Daejeon Metropolis -

  • Kim Dae-Hyun (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Hye-Cheon College) ;
  • Park Chang-Sug (Korea Environment Institute) ;
  • Park Chun-Sug (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Jin-Ju National University) ;
  • Joo Shin-Ha (Landscape Architect Office, Ga-Won) ;
  • Shin Ji-Hoon (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Gyeong-Ju University) ;
  • Byeon Jae-Sang (Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


Much has been made of the changes over time to apartment complexes during the era of rapid development in Korea. This study aimed at analyzing the chronological changes since the 1970s in the laws and regulations governing outdoor space and the residents' appreciation of outdoor space in Daejeon's apartment complexes. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. Similar changes can be found throughout Daejeon's apartment complexes. As time has passed, the building-to-land ratio and the floor-to-land ratio have deceased. The high density trend of apartment complexes has continued until very recently. 2. Although residents' satisfaction with outdoor space around apartments has improved, land for athletic and commercial spaces still remains at its lowest level. Therefore, these kinds of spaces need improvement. 3. Comparing the characteristics of outdoor space in apartment complexes from the 1980s to present indicates that current apartment residents are much more satisfied with the outdoor space, but are conscious of the lack of adequate facilities for the elderly and the handicapped people, and of the hiか density of their apartment complexes. Therefore, these essential consciousness should also be further improved. 4. The residents are gradually becoming aware of changes to the outdoor space that have occurred over time in the apartment complexes, such as in the areas allowed to parking, pedestrians, and athletics. 5. These chronological changes relate to the residents' interest in the changes that have occurred to the outdoor space, especially the convenience of parking, the color of the buildings, the form of the buildings, and the shape of the roofs.



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