Fractionation of Chinese Cabbage Juice

  • Kim, Sang-Hun (Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Proydak, Nikolai (Dept. of Agricultural Machinery, Don State Technical Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


The fractionation of green juice could be one of the ways to treat the green juice for saving the bio re-sources by using the basic processes of protein coagulation and separating juice coagulation into protein paste and brown juice and storing the final products. The fractionation of Chinese cabbage juice can be accomplished by applying the combine method of the formic acid with rate of 0.3% and the propionic acid with rate of 0.1 % added 4 hours later in the juice with maximum recovery of protein coagulation. The separation of coagulation into the protein paste and the brown juice completed in 6.5 hours by set up method in a special designed storage. The protein paste could be stored safely for 30days in anaerobic condition.
