A 1 year 2 months old, male Chihuahua dog weighing 0.92 kg was presented with a history of intermittent vomiting after eating since two weeks ago. Based on the history, clinical signs, physical examination, and contrast radiographs, the diagnosis of sliding hiatal hernia was made. Diaphragmatic plication, esophagopexy and left-sided gastropexy concurrently required for surgical correction but in this case, diaphragmatic plication and esophagopexy could not be applied because of the patient's special condition. Instead, left-sided gastropexy was performed with additional pyloropexy. To treat reflux esophagitis, cimetidine and sucralfate were administrated and patient was fed in an upright position. Two days after the surgery, the patient showed normal activity and after then there was not found recurrence or complication.