개에서 손바닥 선인장의 피부 결손창 치료 효과

The Wound Healing Effects of Opuntia Ficus-indica in Dogs

  • Lee Hyun sung (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University) ;
  • Cheong Jongtae (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University) ;
  • Park Hyun jung (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University) ;
  • Shin Tae-kyun (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University) ;
  • Kim Jae hoon (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University) ;
  • Lee Joo myoung (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.03.01


The aim of this study is to investigate the wound healing effects of the Opuntia ficus-indica. Four full-thickness skin wounds(2.5 cm × 2.5 cm) were made in different areas on the back in each of five dogs. Two wounds were used for wound size measurement and two for skin biopsy. The ten full-thickness wounds were treated with the extract of Opuntia ficus-indica, and the ten full-thickness wounds were treated with normal saline. The wound areas were measured every other day for three weeks after wounding. Statistical analysis was performed with the paired t-test. The wound healing rates were 32.9±4.0%, 28.2±7.1%, 42.2±4.1%, 55.0±4.3%, 76.6±2.8%, 86.8±2.3%, 94.0±1.l%, 97.3±0.8%, 99.3±0.3%, 99.8±0.2%, 100.0±0.0% in the experimental group, and 18.0± 8.2%, 13.S± 11.6%, 15.2±6.1 %, 36.9±8.8%, 62.4±4.1%, 80.0±2.3%, 86.0±1.4%, 94.0±0.9%, 96.9±0.8%, 97.8±0.3%, 99.7±0.1% in the control group on the 1/sup st/, 3/sup rd/, 5/sup th/, 7/sup th/, 9/sup th/, 11/sup th/, 13/sup th/, 15/sup th/, 17/sup th/, 19/sup th/, 21/sup st/ day. On the 17/sup th/ day, the wound closed above 99.9% in 1 dog of the experimental group. On the 19/sup th/ day, the wound closed above 99.9% in 3 dogs of the experimental group. On the 21/sup st/ day, the wound closed above 99.9% in 5 dogs of the experimental group, and 1 dog of the control group. The wound healing period was shortened by 2 to 4 days in the experimental group as compared with the control group. The tensile strength was 4,508±513 g/㎠ in the experimental group and 2,772±400 g/㎠ in the control group on the 21/sup st/ day after wounding. The tensile strength was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group(p< 0.05). Inflammation rapidly spread and disappeared in the experimental group but not in the control group. Fibroblast and vascularization were found on the 5/sup th/ day in both group and increased only in the experimental group on the 9/sup th/ day. The firs finding of epithelialization was on the 13/sup th/ day in the experimental group and the 21/sup st/ day in the control group. A significantly higher wound healing rate(p< 0.05), tensile strength(p< 0.05) and better histopathological findings were observed in the experimental group than in the control group throughout the experimental period. These results suggest that topical application of Opuntia ficus-indica extract can promote wound healing in dogs.



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