Effects of the Father's Experience from His Family-of-Origin, Marital Conflict, and Childrearing Behaviors on His Child's Behavioral Problems as a Function of the Child's Sex

아버지의 원가족 분화 경험, 부부갈등, 양육행동이 자녀의 행동문제에 미치는 영향의 모형 검증

  • 정문자 (연세대학교 아동 ${\cdot}$ 가족학과) ;
  • 전연진 (연세대학교 생활과학연구소)
  • Published : 2005.01.01


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the father's experiences from his family-of-origin, marital conflict, and childrearing behaviors on his child's behavioral problems, as well as any differences due to the child's sex. The subjects were 837 days of 4th and 5th graders in six elementary schools and their fathers in Seoul and Pusan. The data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) to verify the theoretical models among the variables. The results showed that the pathways of the impact of the father's experiences from his family-of-origin differed, depending on the father-son group and the father-daughter group, upon the child's intermailizing and extenalizing behavioral problems through marital conflict and the father's childrearing behaviors. Firstly, in the father-son model, the father's experiences from his family-of-origin had an impact on the son's internalizing and extenalizing behavioral problems through marital conflict and the his negative childrearing behaviors. Secondly, the father-daughter model exhibited two pathways; the father's experiences from his family-of-origin had an impact on the child's internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems through his negative chilrearing behaviors, and the father's experiences from family-of-origin had an impact on the child's internalizing behavioral problems through marital conflict and his positive childrearing.



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