Effects of Process Variables on The Electrochemical Recovery of Palladium in A HCl Solution

  • Published : 2005.02.01


This study investigated the electrochemical recovery of palladium in a HCl solution that is used for palladium leaching. The high acidity of HCl solution and the low concentration of Pd ions increased the cathodic overpotential and reduced the limiting current density. Lowering the current density produced dense deposits; however, they were under high tensile stress. Raising the temperature affected both the densification and the stress, which enabled the attainment of dense Pd deposits under low stress. Lowering the current density and raising the temperature up to 70$^{\circ}C$ was recommended for the recovery of palladium as sound bulk Pd deposits. Current efficiency was over 85% at the initial stage of recovery may decrease the current efficiency, since a low Pd ion concentration results in a low limiting current density.



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