경제위기에 따른 피복비 지출 변화 분석

The Effect of Economic Crisis on Korean Households` Clothing Expenditure

  • 이미영 (울산대학교 생활과학부 의류학과)
  • Lee, Mi-Young (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, University of Ulsan)
  • 발행 : 2005.02.01


The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of the 1997 economic crisis on Korean households' clothing expenditures at different incom levels. The raw data sets from the Family Income and Expenditure Survey of 1994, 1996, 198, and 2000 produced by the National Statistical Office were used. Based on their income data, subjects were divided into three groups: upper-income (upper 30%), low-income(lower 30%), and middle-income (the 40% in between). The main results are as follows : 1) the income, consumption expenditures (ConE) and clothing expenditures (CloE) of Korean households increased in 1996, decreased in 1998 and recovered in 2000. Although the proportion of ConE to income increased after the economic crisis, CloE/ConE decreased. Clothing expenditures displayed an asymmetric pattern over the economic crisis : the clothing expenditures decreased severely and quickly during the groups. 2) Compared to other household expenditures, clothing expenditure patterns were unique and of clothing categories, the propottion of expenditures for outwear decreased considerably compared to other categories after the economic crisis.



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