심혈관계 질환자의 금연성공 예측 요인

Factors which Differentiate Ex-smokers from Smokers among Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify factors which differentiate ex-smokers from smokers among patients with cardiovascular disease. Ex-smokers were patients who abstained from smoking for at least 6 months. Method: The subjects were 92 male cardiovascular patients who try to quit. The stepwise discriminant analysis was used to identify predictors of smoking cessation. Result: 1. The ex-smokers(n=47) and smokers(n=45) were significantly different regarding the age, duration after diagnosis, nicotine dependence, family support for smoking cessation, and intention-to-quit. 2. The family support for smoking cessation, intention-to-quit, nicotine dependence, and age were the predictors which differentiate ex-smokers from smokers among cardiovascular patients. The percentage of grouped cases correctly classified was 92.4%. Conclusion: The higher the family support for smoking cessation, intention-to-quit, age and the lower the nicotine dependence, the more likely these smokers were to success smoking cessation.
