Typological Approach to the Flexible System of Interior Element for Flexible Housing

가변형 주택에서 실내공간요소의 가변방식 유형분석

  • 모정현 ((주)대혜건축 디자인연구소) ;
  • 이연숙 (연세대학교 주거환경학과)
  • Published : 2005.02.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze the flexible system in a typological way that develops and promotes the various methods of flexible system. The main method of this study was literature review and content analysis on various flexible systems and a case study of flexible housing. The flexible system in this typological analysis was classified into two categories: 'Elements of Flexibility' and 'Variation'. The category of Flexibility Elements was categorized into 'Primary Elements'(e.g., walls, floors, and ceilings),'Secondary Elements'(e.g., doors, windows, and furniture), and 'Tertiary Elements'(e.g., lighting, hues and finishing materials). Variation Effect was classified into 'Visual Variation', 'AppBicative Variation', and 'Layout Variation'. Also, Variation could be classified into 'Finish-centered', 'Application-centered', and 'Layout-centered' The flexible system developed in this study is a basis for further concrete flexible methods.



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