안산시 주거지역을 중심으로 한 환경대기 중 휘발성 유기화합물과 황계열 성분의 온라인 연속측정 연구

On-line GC Analysis of Odorous VOC and S Gas Pollutant Levels in Ambient Air of a Residential Area at Ansan City, Korea

  • 발행 : 2005.02.01


In this study, the concentrations of major odorous compounds including reduced sulfur compounds (OMS, CS$_2$, and DMDS) and aromatic VOC (benzene, toluene, xylene, etc.) were measured continuously using an on-line GC analytical system. Our measurements were made from a residential area of Ansan sity during about two week period of October, 2004. The highest mean concentrations of Sand VOC were found as 56.9 pbb of DMS and 21.7 ppb of toluene, respectively. The results of this study generally show that the pollution levels for both types of chemicals are significant relative to previous measurement results reported from comparable sites, if the results are compared simply in terms of the magnitude of the measured concentration data. Moreover, when the relative importance of different compounds is compared in terms of the odor strength, it indicated that the contribution of reduced S compounds may be much more important than that of VOC in the study area.



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