다양한 신경학적 이상을 나타낸 glufosinate ammonium(바스타$^{(R)}$) 급성 경구 중독 1례

A Case of Acute Glufosinate Ammonium ($BASTA^{(R)}$) Intoxication Associated with Various Neurological Abnormalities

  • 백진휘 (인하대학교 의과대학 응급의학교실) ;
  • 김준식 (인하대학교 의과대학 응급의학교실) ;
  • 이현규 (인하대학교 의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 박현주 (인하대학교 의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 하충건 (인하대학교 의과대학 신경과학교실) ;
  • 노형근 (인하대학교 의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Paik Jin Hui (Department of Emergency Medicine, Inha University Hospital) ;
  • Kim Jun Sig (Department of Emergency Medicine, Inha University Hospital) ;
  • Yi Hyeon Gyu (Department of Internal Medicine, Inha University Hospital) ;
  • Park Hyun Joo (Department of Internal Medicine, Inha University Hospital) ;
  • Ha Choong-Kun (Department of Neurology, Inha University Hospital) ;
  • Roh Hyung-Keun (Department of Internal Medicine, Inha University Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


BASTA is an herbicide which contains glufosinate ammonium as a main component with an anionic surfactant, polyoxyethylene alkylether sulfate, and nonselectively inhibits glutamine synthetase. It became a wildly used herbicide in Korea and its intoxication is now increasing. A 42-year old woman ingested about 300ml of BASTA in a suicide attempt. She showed unconsciousness and respiratory distress in the beginning, and later developed multiple generalized convulsions, low blood pressure, fever and diabetes insipidus. Although she became alert 12 days after the ingestion, she showed retrograde amnesia for a period of about recent 10 years. A neuropsychological test on day 22 revealed frontal lobe dysfunction, visual memory disturbance and slight decrease in visuospatial function. All these neurological abnormalities that might occur due to glufosinate ammonium were almost improved in the follow-up test performed a month later.
