밤호박을 이용한 넥타의 제조 및 저장 중 품질특성

Preparation of Kabocha Squash Nectar and its Quality Characteristics during Storage

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


Preparation of nectar using Kabocha squash was optimized and the quality changes during 7 weeks'storage were investigated. The paste for the nectar base could be effectively obtained by consecutive processes of steaming for 15 min, crude smashing and homogenization. To improve the mouth-feel of the nectar, various pectinases and cellulases were treated with Econase CE, Rapidase press, Macerozyme A, Sumizyme MC and Cytolase M102. Among them, Cytolase M102 was the most effective enzyme at $0.05\%$ for 90 min reaction in terms of the collective results as the residue of the nonsoluble solids, viscosity and alcohol test. The best ratio of the nectar ingredients was a ratio of water to paste of 1.5, $11^{o}$Brix of saccharinity, $0.025\%$ of citric acid and $0.15\%$ of xanthan gum. When the retort sterilized nectar in a can was stored in an incubator at $35^{\circ}C$ for 7 weeks, the color, pH, saccharinity, viscosity and total count plates remained almost unchanged.



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