계층적 클러스터링을 기반으로 하는 무선 센서 네트워크의 Throughput 과 Availability 평가

Assessing Throughput and Availability based on Hierarchical Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks

  • 이준혁 (한국정보통신기능대학 정보통신설비과) ;
  • 오영환 (광운대학교 전자통신공학과)
  • Lee Jun-Hyuk (Department of Information & Communication, Korea Information & Communication Polytechnic College) ;
  • Oh Young-Hwan (Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Kwangwoon University)
  • Published : 2005.12.01


A unreliable network system results in unsatisfied performance. A performance criterion of a network is throughput and availability. One of the most compelling technological advances of this decade has been the advent of deploying wireless networks of heterogeneous smart sensor nodes for complex information gathering tasks, The advancement and popularization of wireless communication technologies make more efficiency to network devices with wireless technology than with wired technology. Recently, the research of wireless sensor network has been drawing much attentions. In this paper, We evaluate throughput and availability of wireless sensor network, which have hierarchical structure based on clustering and estimate the maximum hroughput, average throughput and availability of the network considering several link failure patterns likely to happen at a cluster consisted of sensor nodes. Also increasing a number of sensor nodes in a cluster, We analysis the average throughput and availability of the network.
