The Processes of a new product design based on ergonomics and customer satisfaction have been studied for years. However, few attempts have been made to systematically include ergonomic design concept to communication service design. Service design can be regarded as a specific type of product design in a way that the processes of product design can also be employed to those of service design. However, a few difficulties may often arise in doing so. First, services have no explicit tangible features, which implies that a customer may not properly appraise contents, quality and functionality of newly designed services with a prototype before launching into market. Second, customer demands on services change more rapidly according to advances in related technology. In the study, we examined earlier studies of product design process and identified that a service design process must alos conform ergonomic methodology, extracting innovative values for creativitybased design and subsequently evaluate its level of customer satisfaction. In this study, we proposed a customer-centered ergonomic design process for communication services. This process includes a hierarchical structure of service requirement identification, customer-centered trend analysis, service scenario development and service evaluation. To prove the practicality of the design process, a case study of communication service design was conducted according to the procedure that follows.