수돗물에서 미량유해물질의 체계적 관리방안 연구

The Systematic Management for Trace Hazard Compounds in Drinking Water

  • 박선구 (국립환경연구원 물환경연구부 수질검사과) ;
  • 임연택 (국립환경연구원 물환경연구부 수질검사과)
  • Park, Sun-Ku (Water Quality Research Department, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Rim, Yeon-Taek (Water Quality Research Department, National Institute of Environmental Research)
  • 투고 : 2005.04.18
  • 심사 : 2005.05.26
  • 발행 : 2005.09.30


The study was carried out to improve and regulate the drinking water quality standard and drinking water quality monitoring substances. For the reliability and safety of finished water, It has been monitored for trace organic and inorganic compounds of 333 in finished water of water treatment plants during 1989 to 2003. As a result of monitoring, 51 compounds were detected from 333 compounds, and it has been regulated the drinking water quality standard of 26 substances and 20 mitoring substance. Improvement and regulation method of the drinking water quality standard was performed by comparing and analyzing with detection concentration, detection frequency, risk assessment and foreign drinking water quality standard.



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