확률적 수요를 갖는 단일설비 다종제품의 동적 생산계획에 관한 연구

A Study on Dynamic Lot Sizing Problem with Random Demand

  • 김창현 (여수대학교 공과대학 교통.물류시스템공학부)
  • Kim, Chang Hyun (Division of Transportation and Logistics Systems Engineering, Yosu National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.09.30


A stochastic dynamic lot sizing problem for multi-item is suggested in the case that the distribution of the cumulative demand is known over finite planning horizons and all unsatisfied demand is fully backlogged. Each item is produced simultaneously at a variable ratio of input resources employed whenever setup is incurred. A dynamic programming algorithm is proposed to find the optimal production policy, which resembles the Wagner-Whitin algorithm for the deterministic case problem but with some additional feasibility constraints.



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