한국산 담수어에 기생하는 포자충류에 관한 연구 1. 동진강 담수어의 포자충

Studies on Myxosporidian parasites From Korean Freshwater fishes 1.Myxosporidian parasites from Dongjin River, Jeonbuk province of Korea

  • 김영길 (군산대학교 해양과학대학 수산생명의학과) ;
  • 김대영 (군산대학교 해양과학대학 수산생명의학과)
  • Kim, Young-Gill (Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Kim, Dae-Young (Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, Kunsan National University)
  • 발행 : 20050400


This study was performed to investigate the myxosporidian parasites from several organs of freshwater fishes caught from Dongjin River, Jeonbuk Province of Korea. Twelve myxosporidian species were dectected from five fish species out of sixteen fish species. From the gall bladder of Opsariichthys uncirostris amurensis, Zschokkella opiocephali was found; from the skin, gall bladder, liver and spleen of Pseudobagrus fulvidraco, Zschokkella opiocephali and Myxobolus cheisini were found; from the gill, skin, gall bladder and kidney of Carassius carassius, Zschokkella ctenopharyngodonis, Chloromyxum koi, Sphaerospora sinensis, Myxosoma abbottinae, Myxobolus koi and Myxobolus suturalis were found; from the kindney of Misgumus anguillicaudatus, Myxidium lieberkuhni, Neomyxobolus ophicephali and Telohanellus misgurni were found; from the gill of Cyprinus carpio, Myxosoma abbottinae and Myxobolus dispar were found. All these parasitized fishes didn't show any specific symptom.



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