재작업이 수반되는 경우에서의 경제적 생산량 결정

An EMQ Model with Rework

  • 김창현 (여수대학교 공과대학 교통.물류시스템공학부)
  • Kim, Chang Hyun (Division of Transportation and Logistics Systems Engineering, Yosu National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.30


This paper presents an extended EMQ model which determines an optimal production quantity for a single stage production system when defective items are stochastically produced in the production process and they are re-processed in the rework process to convert them into non-defectives. Through the mathematical modeling, an optimal solution minimizing the average cost per unit time and minimum average cost as well as some properties are derived. It can be shown that each of the existing models is a special case of the proposed model under some conditions. Numerical experiment is carried out to examine the behavior of the proposed model and support properties derived.



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