살수장치(撒水裝置)를 이용(利用)한 송이산 관리(管理)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

Use of Sprinkler System for Production Forest Management of Pine Mushroom (Tricholoma matsutake)

  • 투고 : 2004.12.24
  • 심사 : 2005.01.21
  • 발행 : 2005.03.31


송이발생임지내의 지면에 살수장치를 고정설치하고 이를 이용하여, 솔잎혹파리의 우화기간 동안에는 성충활동 최성 시각에 저농도의 약제(deltamethrin 1% EC, 2000배액)를 매일 1회씩 살포, 성충을 살충시킴으로써 솔잎혹파리 피해를 효과적 으로 방제하는 한편, 방제후에는 주기적으로 관수를 실시하여 송이의 증수 및 품질을 향상시킬 목적으로 강원도 양양군에서 2000년도부터 2년 간 실시하였다. 솔잎혹파리의 평균우화시기는 5월 하순-7월 상순까지 약 40일간, 50% 우화일은 6월6일, 우화최성기는 6월상중순이며 이 기간의 우화율은 전체의 80%이상이었다. 지면약제살포구의 충영형성율은 3.5%로 대조구의 51.3 %에 비하여 92.3%의 높은 방제효과(수간주사: 82.6%)가 있었다. 송이 발생시기는 9윌 중순부터 10월 상순까지 약 35일간이며 발생최성기는 9월 하순- 10월 상순까지 약 15일간으로 이 기간의 평균발생율은 총 발생량의 80% 범위였다. 지면약제살포 후 2개월(8월-10월 )간 주기적(주당 30mm)으로 관수실시지역은 74.3%(중랑비 110%)의 송이 증수효과가 있었으며, 품등도 우량한 것으로 나타났다. 살수장치를 이용한 송이산 관리지역의 ha당 송이생산 가격은 8,670천원으로서, 시설 및 관리에 소요된 비용(4,360천원)을 제한 순수익 4,310천원은 대조구에 비하여 당년에 약 5%의 경제적인 효과가 있었으며 시설의 사용기간(5년 이상)을 감안하면 경제성은 높은 것으로 분석되었다.

In order to prevent the pine mushrooms, Tricholoma matsutake, from being damaged by the pine needle gall midges, Thecodiplosis japonensis, and thereby, to increase their production and improve their quality, a sprinkler system was installed on the mushroom field. A low-concentration insecticide (deltamethrin 1% EC, x2,000) was sprayed once at insects' most active time every day during the period of insects' adult occurrence and thereafter, the irrigation by ground water spraying was periodically enforced. Such a test was conducted at Yangyang-Gun, Kwangwon-do, Korea for 2 years from 2000 through 2001. The pine needle gall midges generally emerged for about 40 days from late May to early July. 50% emergence of them was about June 6, and peak emergence (more than 80%) was early or mid-June. Gall formation rate was 3.5% on average with this ground insecticide spraying, while 51.3% when not treated. Control effectiveness of this insecticide spraying was 92.3%, which was higher than 82.5% by the conventional injection of insecticide into tree stems. Pine mushrooms emerged for about 35 days from mid-September through earlier October, and around 80% of them did for about 15 days from late September through early October. As a result of the periodic ground water-spraying (30 mm per week) for 2 months (from August to October), the production of mushrooms increased by 74.3% (110% in terms of weight), with their quality improvement. The mushrooms produced from the treated stand by the spraying system were priced 8,670,000 wons per hectare, and thus, the net income deducting the facility and management cost was 4,310,000 wons, about 5% higher than value from the control stand. It was analyzed that this treatment was significantly cost effective when the facilities are used more than 5 years.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 상지대학교


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