The burned pine forest may change into the grassland with bushes. However, it is likely that forest insects immigrated from the adjacent forest may be temporally abundant in the burned forest. This study was conducted to observe the immigration of insects for a year since forest fire. Beetle fauna in burned forest was compared with that in unburned forest in Goseong in Gwangwon province where the big fire was occurred and burned 3,762 ha of forest in 1996. The 381 individuals of 60 beetle species was collected from the burned forest, whereas the 370 individuals of 63 beetle species from the unburned forest. There was no difference in abundance and species richness of beetle fauna between burned forest and unburned forest. Most of abundant beetle species were collected from burned forest as well as unburned forest. Seasonal occurrence of the insects in burned forest were similar to those in unburned forest. These indicate active immigration of insects in burned forest in early season after fire. The beetles dwelling on vegetation were more actively immigrated into burned forest compared with those foraging in ground.
산불로 식생이 전소한 소나무림은 덤불이 우거진 초지로의 식생변화가 일어난다. 그러나 산불 당년에는 인접한 소나무림에 서식하는 곤충들이 이입할 가능성이 높아 초지와 덤불로 구성된 산불피해 임지에 산림성 곤충이 일시적으로 득세할 가능성이 있다. 본 연구는 산불 후 1년 동안 피해지에 산림곤충들이 이입하는 현상을 관찰하기 위해 1996년 대형산불이 발생한 강원도의 고성지역에서 피해지와 인접한 소나무 숲에서 딱정벌레류의 발생상황을 비교 조사하였다. 산불지는 60종 381개체, 비산불지는 63종 370개체가 채집되어 차이가 없었다. 피해지에서 출현된 딱정벌레 중 개체수가 비교적 많았던 종들은 대부분 인접 산림에서도 채집되었고, 계절별 채집양상이 산불지와 비산불지가 비슷하여 산불초기에 활발한 곤충의 이입을 나타내었다. 서식처별로는 지표보다는 식생에 서식하는 딱정벌레류의 이입이 활발하였다.