심리·생리 평가를 기반으로 한 통합 감성평가 시스템

A Synthetic Human Sensibility Assessment System based on Psycho-physiological Evaluation

  • 발행 : 2005.06.30


Human sensibility is assessed by measuring and analyzing various physiological signals in an objective way, or by analyzing adjectives chosen by the subjects in a subjective way. The present study aims at developing an integrated human sensibility assessment system that measures changes in a person's objective and subjective sensibility in real-time and analyzes them in an integrative way. The present system is composed of a real-time subjective sensibility assessment system, an automatic subjective sensibility assessment system and a real-time physiological signal measurement and analysis system for sensibility assessment, which are separated from one another. It can be utilized individually, or can be combined as a synthetic sensibility assessment system for comprehensive sensibility assessment.



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