Tabu Search Algorithm for Frequency Reassignment Problem in Mobile Communication Networks

주파수 재할당 문제 해결을 위한 타부 서치 알고리듬 개발

  • Han, Junghee (College of Business Administration, Kangwon National University)
  • Published : 2005.03.30


This paper proposes the heuristic algorithm for the generalized GT problems to consider the restrictions which are given the number of machine cell and maximum number of machines in machine cell as well as minimum number of machines in machine cell. This approach is split into two phase. In the first phase, we use the similarity coefficient which proposes and calculates the similarity values about each pair of all machines and sort these values descending order. If we have a machine pair which has the largest similarity coefficient and adheres strictly to the constraint about birds of a different feather (BODF) in a machine cell, then we assign the machine to the machine cell. In the second phase, we assign parts into machine cell with the smallest number of exceptional elements. The results give a machine-part grouping. The proposed algorithm is compared to the Modified p-median model for machine-part grouping.



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