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- 초등학교 아동의 친구관계와 학교적응과의 관계 황경미
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- Psychology in the Schools v.34 Predicting early school success with developmental and social skill screeners Agostin, T.J.;Bain, S.K.
- Child Development v.64 First-grade classroom behavior: Its Short-and long-term consequence for school performance Alexander, K.L.;Entwisle, K.R.;Dauber, S.L.
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly v.9 The usefulness of an observational measure of young children's social and mastery behaviors in early childhood classrooms Bronson, M.B.
- Manual for the Bronson Social and task Skill Profile(teacher verson) Bronson, M.B.
- Child behavior rating scale Bronson, M.B.;Goodson, B.D.;Layzer, J.I.;Love, J.M.
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology v.16 Relations between teacher and classroom activity variables and the classroom behaviors of prekindergarten children in chapter 1funded program Bronson, M.B.;Tivnan, T.;Seppanen, P.S.
- Are socioeconomic gradients for children similar to those for adults? Achievement and health of children in the United States;Developmental health and the wealth of nations : social, biological, and educational dynamics Brook-Gunn, J.;Duncan, G.J.;Britto, P.R.;Keating, D.P.(ed.);Hertzman, C.(ed.)
- Developmental Psychology v.37 Peer rejection in kindergarten : Relational processes mediating academic and emotional outcomes Buhs, E.;Ladd, G.W.
- Child Development v.59 Mother-child interactions, attachment, and emergent literacy;A cross-sectional study Bus, A.G.;van Ijzendoorn, M.H.
- Stone-the Concept About Print Test Clay, M.
- Sand the Concepts About Print Test Clay, M.
- What did I write? Clay, M.
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly v.3 Behavioral risk factors in kindergarten Cooper, D.H.;Farran, D.C.
- The Cooper-Farran behavior rating scales Cooper, D.H.;Farran, D.C.
- Early language and literacy activities in the home, US Department of Education Field Initiated Studies Program(Eric document service, ED 351 406) DeBarshe, B.D.
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology v.16 Maternal belief systems: Linchpin in the home reading process DeBarshe, B.D.
- Perceptual and Motor Skills v.78 Development of an instrument for measuring parental beliefs about reading aloud to young children DeBarshe, B.D.;Binder, J.C.
- Reading Research Quarterly v.29 no.2 Long-term effects of preschool teachers book readings on low-income children's vocabulary and story comprehension Dickinson, D.K.;Smith, M.W.
- Child Development v.61 The family ecology of boys' peer relations in middle childhood Dishion, T.J.
- School Psychology Review v.25 Children without friends: Implications for practice and policy Doll, B.
- Journal of Educational Research v.82 Academic survival skills for the young child at risk for school failure Foulks, B.;Morrow, R.D.
- Social Skill Rating System Gresham, F.M.;Elliott, S.N.
- Child Development v.7 Developmental sequences in name writing Hildreth, G.
- The troubled and troubling child Hobbs, N.
- Journal of Educational Research v.89 no.5 Long-term stability of children's attitudes toward reading Kush, J.C.;Watkins, M.W.
- The mediation of literacy in selected Head Start classrooms Kurkjian, C.M.
- Child Development v.58 Predicting children's social and school adjustment following the transition from preschool to kindergarten Ladd, G.W.;Price, J.M.
- Child Development v.67 Friendship quality as a predictor of young children's early school adjustment Ladd, G.W.;Kochenderfer, B.J.;Coleman, C.C.
- A descriptive study of the beliefs and practices of Head Start teachers regarding early literacy development Lind, L.N.
- meeting of the National Reading Conference Differential effects of whole language and traditional instruction on reading attitudes Mckenna, M.C.;Stratton, B.D.;Grindler, M.C.;Rakestraw, J.F.;Jenkins, S.
- Developmental Psychology v.20 Effects of quality of day care environment on children's language development McCartney, K.
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly v.18 The emergence of learning-related social skill in preschool children McClelland, M.M.;Morrison, F.J.
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly v.15 Children at-risk for early academic problems : The role of learning-related social skills McClelland, M.M.;Morrison, F.J.;Holmes, D.H.
- annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading A followup of children with poor work-related skills : Do problems persist at the end of elementary school? McClelland, M.M.;Hansen, E.E.
- Parenting and academic achievement: Multiple pathways to early literacy;Parenting and the child's world : Influences on academic, intellectual, and social-emotional development Morrison, F.J.;Cooney, R.R.;Borkowski, S.(ed.);Ramey, S.(ed.);Bristol-Power, M.(ed.)
- Child Development v.65 Day-care participation as a protective factor in the cognitive development of low-income children O'Brien Caughey, M.;Dipietro, J.A.;Strobini, D.M.
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly v.42 Stability and change in peer-rejected status : The role of child behavior parenting and family ecology Pettit, G.S.;Clawson, M.A.;Dodge, K.A.;Bates, J.E.
- Adam's righting revolution Schickedanz, J.
- Human Learning v.2 Learning style and school attainment Stott, D.H.;Green, L.F.;Francis, J.M.
- Journal of Educational Research v.88 Literacy concepts of low-and middle-class four-year-olds entering preschool Smith, S.S.;Dixon, R.G.
- American Educational Research Journal v.27 Ontogeny of School Failure: Classification of First-Grade Children Speece, D.L.;Cooper, D.H.
- Reading Research Quarterly v.20 Children's emergent reading of favorite storybooks: A developmental study Sulzby, E.
- Preschool literacy related activities and success in school;Literacy, Language and learning Wells, G.;Olson, D.(ed.);Torrance, N.(ed.);Hildyard, A.(ed.)