- 고신대학, 아동연구 v.7 유아의 창의성 측정도구로서의 칠교판 검사 연구 김상윤
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- 동.서양의 하모니를 위한 창의학 전경원
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- 심리검사 탁진국
- 아동기에서 청년기까지의 창의적 인지와 창의적 인성의 발달경향 연구 하주현
- Putting creativity to work;The Nature of Creativity Barron, F.;Sternberg, R.J.(ed.)
- Creativity : Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention Csikszentmihalyi, M.
- Creativity is forever Davis, G.A.
- The Survey Kit Frey, J.;Oishi, S.M.
- American Psychologist v.14 Creativity Guilford, J.P.
- Psychological Bulletin v.53 Structure of intellect Guilford, J.P.
- Creative talents : Their nature, uses and development Guilford, J.P.
- The role of environment in creativity;The nature of creativity Hennessey, B.A.;Amabile, T.M.;Sternberg, R.J.(ed.)
- The person, the product, and the response : Conceptual problems in the assessment of creativity;Creativity and Learning Jackson, P.W.;Messick, S.;Kagan, J.(ed.)
- Khatena-Torrance creative perception inventory Khatena, J.;Torrance, E.P.
- American Psychologist v.17 The nature and nurture of creative talent McKinnon, D.W.
- Before the gates of excellence: The determinants of creative genius Ochse, R.
- Creativity and the quest for mechanism;The psychology of thought Perkins, D.N.;Sternberg, R.J.(ed.);Smith, E.E.(ed.)
- Enhancing creativity;Handbook of creativity Nickerson, R.S.(quot.);Stemberg, R.J.(ed.)
- On becoming a person Rogers, C.
- Artificial Intelligence v.75 The engineering of creativity: a review of Boden's The Creative Mind Schank, R.;Foster, D.A.
- The Torrance Test of Creative Thinking: Technical-norms manual Torrance, E.P.
- The blazing drive: The creative personality Torrance, E.P.
- Torrance test of creative thinking streamlined scoring guide figural A and B Torrance, E.P.;Ball, O.E.;Safter, H.T.