- 유아의 지능, 감성지능, 창의성의 관계 및 관련변인 연구 이경민
- 미래유아교육학회지 v.6 no.1 유아를 위한 감성교육 프로그램 개발 및 그 효과 확인 연구 이영석
- 현대유아교육과정 이영석;임명희;이정화
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- 미래유아교육학회지 v.11 no.2 유아용 감성지능 척도 개발에 대한 소고 이승은;이영석
- 아동학회지 v.25 no.6 유아용 감성교육 프로그램 개발 연구 이승은;이영석
- 다변량 자료분석의 이해와 활용 양병화
- Bar-On emotional quotient inventory : Technical manual Bar-On R.
- Personality and Individual Differences v.36 Using an ability-based measure of emotional intelligence to predict individual performance group performance, and group citizenship behaviors Day, A.L.;Carroll, S.A.
- Child Development v.72 The development of self regulation in the fast four years of life Kochanska, G.;Coy, K.C.;Murray, K.C.
- Developmental Psychology v.18 Regulation of distress and negative emotion: A developmental view Kopp, C.B.
- Intelligence v.27 Emotional intelligence meet the traditional standards for an intelligence Mayer, J.D.;Caruso, D.;Salovey, P.
- Emotional intelligence as zeitgeist, as personality and as a mental ability;Handbook of emotional intelligence: Theory, development, assessment, and application at home school, and work place Mayer, J.D.;Salovey, P.;Caruso, D.;Bar-On, R.(ed.);Parker, J.(ed.)
- Selecting a measure of emotional intelligence: The case for ability scale;Handbook of emotional intelligence: Theory, development, assessment, and application at home school, and work place Mayer, J.D.;Caruso, D.;Salovey, P.;Bar-On, R.(ed.);Parker, J.(ed.)
- MSCEIT: User's manual Mayer, J.D.;Salovey, P.;Caruso, D.
- Emotion v.1 Does emotional intelligence meet traditional standards for an intelligence? Some new data and conclusions Roberts, R.D.;Zeidner, M.;Matthews, G.
- Temperament and development;Temperament in childhood Rothbart, M.K.;Kohnstamm, G.A.(ed.);Bates, J.E.(ed.);Rothbart, M.K.(ed.)
- Emotional competence : Developmental perspective;Handbook of emotional intelligence: Theory, development assessment, and application at home school, and work place Saarni, C.;Bar-On, R.(ed.);Parker, J.(ed.)
- The emotional intelligence scale for children Sullivan, A.K.
- Human Development v.46 Development of emotional intelligence: Towards a multi-level invest model Zeidner, M.;Matthews, G.;Roberts, R.D.;MacCann, C.