- 초등교육연구 v.16 no.1 초등학교 언어 영재 아동과 일반 아동의 언어적 창의성 발달에 관한 연구 강승희;김정섭
- 교육과정연구 v.15 no.2 창의적 문제해결능력 신장을 위한 교육과정 개발의 기초 - 창의적 문제해결의 개념모형 탐색 김경자;김아영;조석희
- 한국수학교육학회지 시리즈 A : 수학교육 v.43 no.3 창의적 문제해결과 문제변형을 위한 사고 김용대
- 교육학연구 v.34 no.5 자기조절전략 수업과 상위인지가 아동의 작문수행에 미치는 효과 김유미
- 과학영재와 일반 학생의 창의성 비교연구 신지은
- 교육학연구 v.43 no.2 언어창작 재능개발에 영향을 미치는 심리 및 환경적 요인 : 성취한 작가 사례를 중심으로 윤초희;한석실;강승희;조석희
- 교육심리연구 v.19 no.2 대학생의 창의성과 작업선호도 및 학업적 자기효능감과의 관계 이정규
- 간편 창의적 문제해결력 검사 개발연구(II), 한국교육개발연구원 연구보고 조석희;김홍원;김세영
- The Journal of Secondary Gifted Education v.12 no.2 Using strategy instruction and self-regulation to improve gifted students creative writing Albertson, L.R.;Billingsley, F.F.
- The Journal of Creative Behavior v.28 no.2 Young children's creative solutions to realistic and fanciful story problems Alexander, P.A.;Jetton, T.L.;White, S.H.;Parsons, J.L.;Cotropia, K.K.;Liu, Hsaio-Chin;Ackerman, C.M.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psyology v.48 Motivation and creativity : Effects of motivational orientation on creative writers Amabile, T.M.
- Metacognition and creativity;Handbook of creativity: Perspectives on individual differences Armbruster, B.B.;Glover, J.A.(ed.);Ronning, R.R.(ed.);Reynolds, C.R.(ed.)
- Annual Review of Psychology v.32 Creativity, intelligence, and personality Barron, F.;Harrington, D.M.
- Learning, remembering, and understanding;Handbook of child psychology: Cognitive development Brown, A.;Bransford, J.D.;Ferrara, R.A.;Campione, J.C.;Mussen, P.H.(ed.)
- Gifted Child Quarterly v.26 Acquisition of formal operations by intellectually gifted children Carter, K.R.;Ormrod, J.E.
- Roeper Review v.21 no.4 Creativity and cognition: Producing effective novelty Cropely, A.
- Journal of Learning Disabilities v.34 no.5 Metacognition and mathematical problem solving in grade 3 Desoete, A.;Roeyers, H.;Buysse, A.
- Developmental approaches to giftedness and creativity : New directions for child development Feldman, D.H.
- The dynamics of composing : Making plans juggling constraints;Cognitive processes in writing Flower, L.S.;Hayes, J.R.;Gregg, L.W.(ed.);Steinberg, E.R.(ed.)
- Creativity and intelligences Getzels, J.;Jackson, P.
- Making the writing process work : Strategies for composition and self-regulation Harris, K.R.;Graham, S.
- Roeper Review v.21 no.4 Studying the mind of the gifted Hong, E.
- Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, Serial No. 159 v.40 no.1 An interview study of children's knowledge about memory Kreutzer, M.A.;Leonard, C.;Flavell, J.H.
- Journal of Experimental Child Psychology v.48 Metamemory, memory performance, and causal attributions in gifted and average children Kurtz, B.E.;Weinert, F.E.
- Creativity Research Journal v.10 Process-based measures of creative problem-solving skills : Overall predictions Mumford, M.D.;Supinski, E.P.;Baughman, W.A.;Costanza, D.P.;Threlfall, K.V.
- The development of thought: Equilibration of cognitive structures Piaget, J.
- Scales for rating the behavioral characteristics of superior students Renzulli, J.S.;Smith, L.H.;White, A.J.;Callahan, C.M.;Hartman, R.K.;Westberg, K.L.
- Journal for the Education of the Gifted v.10 Do the gifted think and learn differently? A review of recent research and its implications for instruction Rogers, K.
- Journal of Aesthetic Education v.22 The art of children's drawing Rosenblatt, E.;Winner, E.
- Creative Child and Adult v.11 The threshold hypothesis regarding creativity and intelligence in gifted, talented, and nongifted children : An empirical test Runco, M.A.;Albert, R.S.
- Creativity and intelligence;Handbook of creativity Sternberg, R.J.;O'Hara, L.A.;Sternberg, R.J.(ed.)
- Creativity and giftedness Treffinger, D.J.
- European Journal of High Ability v.1 Recent trends in creativity: Research and theory in Western Europe Urban, K.K.