- 학습장애연구 v.13 no.2 발달장애유아의 유치원 통합교육 연구 구대회
- 한국영유아보육학 v.24 장애유아 통합교육의 사례분석 구본권
- 유아를 위한 교수학습방법의 이해 권영례
- 프로젝트 접근법에서 집단 크기에 따른 유아의 사회적 행동 및 프로젝트 수행능력에 관한 연구 권희옥
- 총신 유아교육 학술대회 자료 장애아 통합교육을 위한 유치원 프로그램 모델 김미경
- 비교교육연구 v.11 no.2 전반적 발달장애아를 위한 한국 유치원 통합교육위 효과 김미경
- 사회성숙도 검사 김승국;김옥기
- 특수교육 연구 v.9 no.1 레지오 에밀리아 접근법의 적용가능성 탐색 김영아
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- 빛과 그림자 프로젝트 전개과정 김지연
- 유아의 사회성 발달을 위한 프로그램 개발 연구, 한국어린이육영회 학술보고서, 4 노영희;박찬옥;이원영
- 특수교육학 문장원;최재욱;황해익;김진희
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- 잠망경 프로젝트 박선미
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- 공룡 프로젝트 신은수
- 레지오 에밀리아의 접근법에 따른 자전거 프로젝트의 전개과정 우명자
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- 유아사회지도 유효순;홍순정
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- 유아특수교육 이상복;이효신
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- 유아교육연구 v.24 no.2 장애유아의 사회적 통합촉진을 위한 사회적 상호작용 증진 활동이 일반유아들의 사회적 행동에 미치는 영향 이소현
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- 유아교육연구 v.22 no.2 장애유아의 사회적 촉진을 위한 중재가 통합학급 유아들의 장애유아 수용도에 미치는 영향 조윤경;이소현
- 프로젝트 접근법이 유아의 학습준비도, 사회, 정서발달, 자아개념 및 프로젝트 수행능력에 미치는 효과 지옥정
- 한국유아교육학회 2003 연차 학술대회자료 장애유아의 성공적 통합교육을 위한 사회적 기술에 대한 교사와 어머니의 인식 최남정
- 유아교육사전 한국유아교육학회
- 통합교육을 위한 장애유아의 사회적 기술에 대한 일반교사의 요구수준 비교연구 황선숙
- Topics in Early Childhood Education of Special Education v.1 Curriculum model for successful mainstreaming Allen, K.E.
- Focus on Exceptional Children v.20 no.9 Integarting cooperative learning and structured learning : Effective approaches to teaching social skills Anderson, M.;Nelson, L.R.;Fox, R.G.;Gruber, S.E.
- Child Develpment v.59 no.1 Peer interaction and problem solving; When are two heads than one? Azmitia, M.
- Journal of Creative Behavior v.33 no.2 Improving the measurement of divergent thinking attitudes in organizations Basadur, M.;Tagger, S.;Pringle, P.
- Early Childhood Education: Curriculum Resource Handbook Borgia, E.J.
- Ecological systems theory;Six theories of child development Bronfenbrenner, U.;Vasta, R.(ed.)
- Psychology in the Schools v.30 no.1 The relationship among attributions, divergent thinking and retention of nonsense syllables and nomelated words Chandler, T.A.;Pengilly, J.W.
- Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development v.51 no.2 Social competence in children, Serial No. 213 Dodge, K.A.;Pettit, G.S.;McClaskey, C.L.;Brown, M.
- The hundred language of children; The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education Edwards, C.;Gandini , L.;Forman, G.
- The hundred language of children; The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education Edwards, C.;Gandini , L.;Forman, G.;김희진(譯);우문자(譯)
- The roots of prosocial behavior in children Eisenberg, N.;Mussen, P.H.
- Putting research to work: Multiple Intelligence Instructor Gardner, H.
- Journal of Intervention v.22 The nature and meaning of social integration for young children with mild developmental delays in inclusive settings Guralnick, M.J.
- Social competence with peers and early childhood inclusion: Need for alternative approaches;Early childhood inclusion: Focus on change Guralnick, M.J.;Guralnick, M.J.(ed.)
- American Journal on Mental Retardation v.100 Immediate effects of mainstreamed settings on the social interactions and social integration of preschool children. Guralnick, M.J.;Connor, R.T.;Hammond, M.A.;Gottman, J.M.;Kimish, K.
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology v.17 Effects of social setting on the friendship formation of young children differing in developmental status Guralnick, M.J.;Gottman, J.M.;Hammond, M.A.
- Developmental Psychology v.24 Friendships of preschool children in mainstreamed playgroups Guralnick, M.J.;Groom, J.M.
- Developmental Psychology v.20 Peerrelated social interactions of developmentally delayed children : Development and characteristics Guralnick, M.J.;Weinhouse, E.M.
- The educational consultant Heron, T.E.;Harris, K.C.
- Journal of the Division for Early Childhood v.8 Individualized group instruction of normally developing and autistic-like children: A description and evaluation of the LEAP curriculum model Hoyson, M.;Jamieson, B.;Strain, P.S.
- International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology v.31 no.2 The influence of overcoming fixation in mathematics towards divergent thinking in open-ended mathematics problems on Japanese junior high school students Imai, T.
- Integrating handicapped and nonhandicapped preschool children within a cognitively oriented program;Early intervention and the integration of handicapped and nonhandicapped children Ispa, J.;Matz, R.D.;Guralnick, M.(ed.)
- Cooperative learning and mainstreaming;Integrating strategies for students with handicaps Johnson, D.W.;Johnson, R.T.;Gaylord- Ross, R.(ed.)
- The project approach, Norwood Katz, L.G.;Chards, S.
- The teacher's assessing the social development of young children (ERIC ED 346 988) Katz, L.G.;McCllelan, D.
- Special education for the early childhood years Lerner, J.;Mardell-Czudnowski, C.;Goldenberg, D.
- Topics in Early Childhood Special Education v.13 Free effects of integration on levels of autistic behavior McGee, G.G.;Paradis, T.;Feldman, R.S.
- Skill streaming in early childhood McGinnis, E.;Goldstein, A.P.
- Young Children v.45 no.1 Excellent early education: A city in Italy has it New, R.S.
- Preschool curriculum ideas from Emilia in Montessori life New, R.S.
- Reggio Emilia: Some lessons for U.S. educations. ERIC Digest(EDDPS-93-3) New, R.S.
- Reggio Emilia: Its vision and challienges for educations in the United States;Reflections on the Reggio Emilia Approach;Perspectives from ERICfEECE [Montessori Serial NO.6] New, R.S.;Katz, L.G.(ed.);Cesarone, B.(ed.)
- Social interaction skills interventions for young children with disabilities in integrated settings;Integrating young children with disabilities into community programs Odom, S.L.;Brown, W.H.;Peck, C.A.(ed.);Adorn, S.L.(ed.);Bricker, D.D.(ed.)
- TECSE v.19 no.2 Relative effects of intervention supporting the social competence of young children with disabilities Odom, S.L.;McConnell, S.R.;McEvoy, M.A.;Peterson, C.;Cstrdsky, M.;Chandler, L.K.;Spicuzza, R.;Skellenger, A.;Creighton, M.;Favazza, P.C.
- Topics in Early Childhood Special Education v.10 no.2 Mainstreaming at the preschool level : Potential barrier and tasks for the field Odom, S.L.;McEvoy, M.A.
- Social relationships of children with disabilities and their peers in inclusive preschool classrooms;Widening the circle : Including children with disablilties in preschool programs Odom, S.L.;Zercher, C.;Marquart, J.;Li, S.;Sandall, S.R.;Wolfberg, P.;Odom, S.L.(ed.)
- Applied Measurement in Education v.12 no.3 Effects of allowing examinations to select questions on a test of divergent thinking Power, D.E.;Bennett, R.E.
- Educational Leadership v.58 no.1 How Reggio Emilia encourages inclusion Rebecca, E.K.;May, F.L.
- The dimension of social compe-tence : Contributions from a variety of research areas;Social Competence Sarason, B.R.;Wine, J.D.(ed.);Smye, M.D.(ed.)
- Instructional interventions to improve social competence;Best Practices in Mental Disabilities, Volume two Sargent, L.R.;Robinson, G.A.(ed.)
- Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities v.3 Generalization of autistic children's social behavior change : Effect of developmentally integrated and segregated settings Strain, P.S.
- Journal of the Division for Early Childhood v.10 Class deportment and social outcomes for normally developing and autistic-like children in an integrated preschool Strain, P.S.;Hoyson, M.;Jamieson, B.
- Developmental Review v.3 no.1 Social competence as a developmental construct Waters, E.;Soroufe, L.A.
- 주제 접근법의 사례연구 최소자