- 氏濟生方 嚴用和
- 薛氏醫案(文淵閣本 卷1) 薛己
- 原色 臨床本草學 辛民敎
- 申氏本草學(各論) 申佶求
- 婦人良方校注補遺 薛己
- 中醫婦科學 羅元愷
- 韓方病理學 鄭遇烈
- 大韓東醫病理學會誌 v.2 肝機能에 對한 東西醫學的 考察 柳道坤 등
- 臟腑辨證論治 金完熙;崔達永
- 스트레스와 免疫 v.23 閔炳一(譯)
- 精神健康硏究 v.10 스트레스와 精神神經免疫學 강병조
- Amer. J. Psychotherapy v.37 Current explorations in Psychoimmunology Udelman, HD;Udelman, DI
- Science v.191 Influence of brain and behavior on the immune system Stein, H.;Schiavi, RC.;Comerino, M
- 東醫神經精神科學會誌 v.7 no.1 養心湯이 스트레스와 免疫機能에 미치는 影響 尹祥熙 등
- 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 v.9 越鞠丸合補中益氣湯이 電氣刺戟스트레스를 받은 mouse의 免疫機能에 미치는 影響 權泰植 등
- 東醫神經精神科學會誌 v.8 no.1 香附子八物湯이 拘束스트레스 흰쥐의 抗스트레스와 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 이승기 등
- 大韓韓方婦人科學會誌 v.16 no.3 逍遙散이 생쥐에 Immobilization Stress 負荷 後 血中 免疫能系에 미치는 影響 홍성은 등
- 原本 東醫寶鑑(內景篇) 許浚
- In methods in Enzymology Endo, Y
- J. Biol. Chem. v.231 Zenker, N;Bernstein, DE
- Proc. Nat1. Acad. Sci. v.75 Planning for lymphocytes: A method for cell selection. Wysocki, LJ;Sato, VL
- J. Immunol. v.120 Characterization of lymphocyte-activating factor(LAF) produced by the macrophage cell line P388D1. Mizel, SB.(et al)
- J. Immunol. methods. v.65 Rapid colorimetric assay for cellular growth and survival: application to proliferation and cytotoxic assays. Mosmann, T
- J. Immunol. methods. v.129 A simple and rapid method to determine hematopoietic growth factor activity. Kotnik, V;Fleischmann, WRJr
- J. Immunol. Methods v.139 Rapid and simple method for mesuring thymocyte apoptosis by propidium iodide staining and flow cytometry. Nicoletti, I.(et al)
- J. Exp. Med. v.179 Purification and characterization of the Fas-ligand that induces apoptosis. Suda, T;Nagata, S
- Arch. Pharm. Res. v.23 no.5 Regulation of cytokine production by exogenous nitric oxide in murine splenocyte and peritoneal macrophage. Eun JS(et al)
- J. Immunol. Methods v.174 Chemiluminenscence and nitrite determinations by the MALU macrophage cell line. Boudard, F(et al)
- J. Immunol. Methods v.112 Measurement of phagocyte chemiluminenscence in a microtiter plate format. Blair, AL(et al)
- J. Immuno. Methods v.162 A rapid and simple microfluorometric phagocytosis assay. Chok PW;Choon SP;Benjamin HS
- Infect. Immunity v.59 no.9 Killing of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro by nitric oxide derivatives. Rocket, KA(et al)
- 病理學 文濬典 등
- 東醫神經精神科學 金相孝
- 心身症 黃義完
- 서울대 精神醫學報 v.7 視床下部홀몬과 神經傳達物質 金相泰
- 新版ストレス 2nd. Ed. 田多井吉之介
$H_1$ - and$H_2$ -histaminergic stimulation of pituitary-adrenocortical response under stress in rats. Bugajski J;Gadek A - Nature v.302 no.5906 The vasopressin receptor antagonist dPTyr (Me) AVP does not prevent stress-induced ACTH and corticosterone release. Mormede P
- Pathophysiology. v.4 Cold-stress induces thymocyte apoptosis in the rat. Morishita S(et al)
- J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. v.54 Sridama V;Pacini F;Groot LJ
- Life Sci. v.30 no.19 Naloxone enhances stress-induced in noradrenaline turnover in specific brain regions in rats. Tanaka M(et al)
- Kor. J. Pharmacogn. v.20 no.1 Effects of Glycyrrhizae Radix on serum corticosterone and blood histamine content by immobilization stress in mice. Eun JS;Oh CH;Han JH
- Naturwissenschaften v.83 no.6 Stress and the immune system. Schedlowsk, M;Schmidt RE
- Physiol. Behav. v.65 no.1 Differential immune reactivity to stress in BALB/cByJ and C57BL/6J mice: in vivo dependence on macrophages. Shanks N(et al)
- Brain Behavior and Immunity. v.1 no.2 Significance of increased secretion of glucocorticoids in mice and rats injected with bacterial endotoxin. Nakano K(et al)
- Brain Behav. Immun. v.4 no.4 Stressor-induced alteration of lymphocyte proliferation in mice: evidence for enhancement of mitogenic responsiveness. Lysle DT;Cunnick JE;Rabin BS
- Neuroimmunomodulation v.4 no.3 Restraint stress causes tissue-specific changes in the immune cell distribution. Sudo N(et al)
- Advances in Immunology v.53 The role of CD4 and CD8 in T cell activation and differentiation. , ; : 59. Miceli MC;Parnes JR
- Kor. J. Immunol. v.18 Nitric oxide inhibits macrophage pseudopodia formation in the activated macrophages. Jun, CD(et al)