Rent-seeking for Budgetary Allocations in Korean Fisheries

수산예산의 배분변화에 관한 분석- 지대추구이론을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2005.04.08
  • Accepted : 2005.05.06
  • Published : 2005.08.31


In this paper I tried quantitative measures of the rent-seeking for budgetary allocations in Korean fisheries. There is a great deal of ignorance about the level of rent-seeking that takes place as a consequence of government expenditures and the potential for influencing their allocation, and so the attempt by Kats and Rosenberg(1989) to measure this in terms of the extent of annual changes in these allocations was a significant step forward. The opportunity to concentrate net public expenditure benefits within the fiscal function of the state gives rise to rent-seeking by special interest taxpayer-citizens through government budget allocations, special interest groups and coalitions of special interest groups. There are several important implications of budgetary rent-seeking. Budgetary rent-seeking is composed of 'income' and substitution effects, the budgetary 'income' effect is the general increase in government expenditures from one period to another. According to result of this analysis, average expenditures were 17.0% of total fisheries budget in 1966-2005. Therefore, distribution of fisheries budget should be converted by indirect support systems to reduce these rent-seeking behaviors.



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