A Case Study of Continuous Improvement Methodology by Calculated Quality-Cost

품질비용 산정에 의한 지속적 개선 방법 사례 연구

  • Published : 2005.09.30


Recently many organization to become survival in changing marketplace, they must commit to implementing tools, systems, and quality management techniques. In this paper we develop process method of Team's problem-solving to reduce in failure costs. This paper suggest the step process how to measure quality cost reasonably that works in all types organizations. Or what is continuous improvement? Continuous improvement can be described as the continuous reduction of variation. Variation has many sources(machines, methods, materials, measurements, people, and environments) and cause(special & common in organization). As quality cost are not the answer to every organization financial, or quality-related problem, it's real results are designing & implementing quality cost system might be the answer.



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