Inhibition of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)-Restricted Presentation of Exogenous Antigen in Dendritic Cells by Korean Propolis Components

  • 발행 : 2005.09.30


Background: Dendritic cells (DCs) playa critical role not only in the initiation of immune responses, but also in the induction of immune tolerance. In an effort to regulate immune responses through the modulation of antigen presenting cell (APC) function of DCs, we searched for and characterized APC function modulators from natural products. Methods: DCs were cultured in the presence of propolis components, WP and CP, and then examined for their ability to present exogenous antigen in association with major histocompatibility complexes (MHC). Results: WP and CP inhibited class I MHC-restricted presentation of exogenous antigen (cross-presentation) in a DC cell line, DC2.4 cells, and DCs generated from bone marrow cells with GM-CSF and IL-4. The inhibitory activity of WP and CP appeared to be due not only to inhibition of phagocytic activity of DCs, but also to suppression of expression of MHC molecules on DCs. We also examined the effects of WP and CP on T cells. Interestingly, WP and CP increased IL-2 production from T cells. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that WP and CP inhibit MHC-restricted presentation of exogenous antigen through down-regulation of phagocytic activity and suppression of expression of MHC molecules on DCs.



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