Anti-inflammatory Activities of Cinanamomum burmanni Bl

  • Khatib, Alfi (Department of Food Technology and Human Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia) ;
  • Kim, Mi-Yeon (Department of Food Science and Technology, Kyungpook National University, Korea) ;
  • Chung, Shin-Kyo (Department of Food Science and Technology, Kyungpook National University, Korea)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.30


Anti-inflammatory assay was conducted on 20 kinds of traditional Indonesian medicinal herbs using soybean lipoxygenase (SLO) and hyaluronidase (HAse). Cinnamomun burmanni Bl showed highest anti-inflammatory activity. Ethyl acetate fraction from methanol extract of C. burmanni Bl bark showing high SLO inhibitory activity was isolated using silica gel-60 column chromatography. Two compounds were isolated and purified through preparative HPLC. Through analyses of UV, $^1H-NMR$, $^{13}C-NMR$, EI-MS and $FAB^+-MS$, compounds 1 and 2 were identified as coumarin and 2-hydroxy cinnamaldehyde, respectively, among which 2-hydroxy cinnamaldehyde showed SLO inhibitory activity of $IC_{50}\;=\;60\;{\mu}M$. Both compounds did not exhibit HAse inhibitory activity.



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