대기 산성 강하물: 토양과 삼림 생태계의 반응

Atmospheric Acidic Deposition: Response to Soils and Forest Ecosystems

  • 김준호 (서울대학교 생명과학부, 대한민국 학술원)
  • Kim, Joon-Ho (Seoul National University, Academy of Sciences)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.31


한국에서 산성 강하물에 의하여 대부분의 토양은 교환성 양이온, 특히 $K^+$, $Mg^{2+}$$Ca^{2+}$가 세탈되어 유럽과 북미의 삼림 쇠퇴 지역의 토양과 버금가는 수준이고, 염기성 양이온/알루미늄이온$(BC/Al^{3+})$의 몰 비가 낮아서 식물의 정상 생장의 임계 부하수준으로 낮아졌다. 광릉 삼림의 수관은 산성 강하물 중에서 $NO_3^-$$NH_4^+$을 흡수하여 수용원(sink)으로, $K^+$을 세탈하여 공급원(source)으로 작용하지만 산성 강하 물량이 많은 관악산의 삼림은 그러한 기능이 저하되었다 침엽수림과 활엽수림 분수계 생태계는 총수관 통과수의 $K^+$, $NH_4^+$, $Cl^-$, $NO_3^-$$SO_4^{2-}$를 임상토양에 보유하고, $Na^+$, $Mg^{2+}$$Ca^{2+}$을 임상토양에서 계류수로 세탈하고 있어 산성 강하물에 대한 삼림의 반작용이 큼을 보이고 있다.

Soils of Korea experienced with long-term acidic deposition have been exhaustively leached exchangeable base cation (BC) for plant nutrient comparable with soils of forest decline areas in Europe and N. America. Ratios of $BC/Al^{3+}$ of most soils are below than 1, which value is critical load for plant growth. Acid soil applied with dolomitic liming is increased as much as 20% and 244% in concentrations of $Ca^{2+}$ and $Mg^{2+}$, respectively, as well as shrub leaves increase much cation uptake by 1 year later. Ions of $NO_3^-$ and $NH_4^+$ in acid rain are absorbed by the canopy acted as the sink but f is leached out from the canopy to throughfall as the source at Gwangneung forest with a little of acidic deposition, however, such sink and source functions are not found at Kwanaksan forest because of so much deposition. In coniferous and deciduous forested watershed ecosystems ions of $K^+$, $Cl^-$, $NO_3^-$ and $SO_4^{2-}$ from throughfall are retained in forest floor but ions of $Na^+, $Mg^{2+}$ and $Ca^{2+}$ are leached from the floor to streamwater.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Research Trends of Forest Liming and the Effects of Liming on Forest Ecosystems vol.36, pp.1, 2018,